How To Find Listening Devices

How To Find Listening Devices
How To Find Listening Devices

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In the modern world, you will not surprise anyone with listening devices. They are used to spy on competitors, calculate intruders, reveal confidential information, and even to spy on lovers. In this regard, it is necessary to be able to recognize and find wiretapping.


Step 1

Conduct a thorough visual inspection of the room. Pay special attention to objects that are constantly in this room. Check out figurines, decorations, and houseplants, for example. If there are soft toys in the room, feel them for hard objects inside. Often, listening devices are sewn into them. After that, inspect the chandeliers and other lighting fixtures. Check the pieces of furniture by carefully inspecting corners and hidden areas for unnecessary holes or bulges.

Step 2

Disassemble electronic equipment. Here, most often, bugs can be found in landline phones, on computer monitors, or be attached to wires. In the latter case, you can ring the circuits to identify an uncharacteristic signal.

Step 3

Purchase a special eavesdropping technique if visual inspection reveals nothing or you think you haven't found all the bugs. This equipment can be bought in a specialized store or ordered on the Internet.

Step 4

Use a non-linear locator that allows you to locate remotely controlled bugs that are in standby mode, i.e. not receiving power. Some eavesdropping devices do not contain semiconductors, so they cannot be detected using the above method.

Step 5

In this case, it is necessary to use a special metal detector, but it cannot be used on equipment or other metal-containing objects. There is also a special radio scanner that detects listening devices that are working.

Step 6

When using, you must be extremely careful so that the enemy does not guess your intention and does not disable the bug. If you suspect that your landline phone is being tapped, then buy a special adapter-analyzer that protects the line from tapping and signals bugs.
