Which Mouse And Keyboard To Choose

Which Mouse And Keyboard To Choose
Which Mouse And Keyboard To Choose

A computer mouse and keyboard are those devices without which it is difficult to imagine a good computer work. Undoubtedly, a lot depends on them. Therefore, choosing a mouse and keyboard should be especially careful, taking into account some of the nuances.

Which mouse should you choose?

You need to know that there are two types of mice: optical and mechanical. Optical in quality is sufficiently superior to mechanical. It will move better on the surface, and the surface itself does not play a fundamental role for it. Although in terms of money, a mechanical one will cost much less. To her you will have to buy a special rug on which she will move. Without a mouse pad, good performance of a mechanical mouse will be almost impossible. And you will have to clean it quite often: every two weeks.

Also, mice are divided into wired and wireless. To understand which criterion suits you best, you need to clearly understand for what purpose you need a mouse. If you are very fond of computer games and spend a lot of time on them, it is worth choosing a wired mouse. The signal will go through it without interruption, which means that the game will not be interrupted. A cordless mouse would be wise to get if you are on the move and have to carry your laptop from place to place.

Multifunctional mice will be indispensable in your work. The standard ones have two keys and a wheel in the middle. In addition to this, multifunctional mice have additional buttons on the sides. For any additional key, for example, you can set the launch of a working program that you regularly use so as not to look for it on your computer.

How Do I Pick a Good Keyboard?

Keyboards, like mice, are also very different. And before deciding on a particular model, you should think about the purposes for which you will use it.

If the keyboard will not be used often, you can choose the most common one. You shouldn't overpay extra money unnecessarily.

There are special keyboards for typing, which are designed for those who are typing in large quantities. They come with a single block of buttons for typing letters and with a separate one for each hand.

When choosing a keyboard with a split block, it is best to try it right in the store, as it will not suit all users.

When choosing a keyboard for typing, avoid bright colors, it is desirable that English and Russian characters are not the same color. All this will make your eyes tense and tired very quickly.

If you often play computer games, it is worth choosing a keyboard designed specifically for this purpose. These models have some buttons that can be used to control the game character. These buttons are located separately, have a special shape or a relief surface. All this makes the gameplay more comfortable.
