The Samsung GT-s3650 mobile phone has a variety of functions that let you choose the entertainment you like. In order to tune and optimize your phone, you need to perform a number of simple steps.

Step 1
The main weak point of Samsung phones is a weak speaker. Of course, in multimedia phones, the speaker is at a higher level than in fashion models, but a little amplification will not hurt. To customize the melodies and music, in principle, you can use a special program for amplifying the sound Mp3Gain or specialized editors such as Adobe Audition and Sony Sound Forge. When using Mp3Gain, it is worth saving the files obtained during editing as copies, since after applying the changes you will not be able to change the volume of the files to the previous one.
Step 2
When using the music editor, you have the opportunity not only to change the volume of the music, but also to edit the key of each track. The fact is that the speaker of a cell phone is primarily adapted for reproducing high and medium frequencies, and a standard increase in a melody can have a bad effect on its sound on the phone. Use the Graphic Equalizer effect to boost the high and mid frequencies while reducing the low. After that, it is desirable to use effects such as "Normalize" and "Increase the volume". Be sure to listen to the melody on your phone to be absolutely sure of the sound you want.
Step 3
Optimize your internet access. The built-in browser can handle the loading of most pages, but there is a browser that can reduce traffic costs by sixty to eighty percent. This is Opera mini browser. When using it, the information you need first passes through the server, where it is processed and compressed, and only then is sent to your computer. You can minimize your internet usage costs by disabling the download of items such as pictures.
Step 4
The best way to personalize your phone is to connect with a data cable. As a rule, you can find both the wire and the driver disc in the package bundle for the phone, otherwise you will need to download the drivers and buy the data cable separately. Install the software, then connect your phone to your computer.