How To Choose A Scale In

How To Choose A Scale In
How To Choose A Scale In

Bathroom scales for measuring body weight are a necessary item in every home, because the life of a modern city dweller is in constant danger of physical inactivity on the one hand and the temptations of fast food on the other. Weight control is not only a matter of beauty, but also of health, and should not be taken without due seriousness. And choosing a scale to perform this important task is also not easy, because this seemingly simple household appliance is available in many forms and modifications.

Your bathroom scale is not just about design.

  1. Electronic or mechanical. Mechanical act on the basis of a spring, which is influenced by the weighing plate. The main advantage of this design is its low price. There are more cons: insufficient accuracy, limited functionality. The electronic device will help not only to determine the weight, but also to record the weighing data, to control separately the fat and muscle mass. In some cases, greater mechanical strength can be an advantage of mechanics.
  2. Maximum permissible load. Each scale has a weight limit within which it is allowed to be used. Choose a measuring tool so that all family members can use it. The measurement error can also vary. Absolutely accurate weighing is impossible and does not make sense. The error of various models varies from 500 g for simple models and up to 100 g for the most technologically advanced specimens.
  3. The memory capacity characterizes the number of measurement results that the electronic balance can store, as well as the number of different users that they are able to service. There are models that can even recognize each user on their own. Of course, if only you are using the scale, their ability to remember ten people will not be of value to you.
  4. Additional functions. Most often, the scales are able to calculate the body mass index, for which they need to inform the user's height. To calculate muscle and fat mass, you need to choose a scale that can calculate it by passing a weak electrical discharge through the body. The weight control function allows the scale to generate a signal when there is a significant change in weight and not to give unnecessary reasons for alarm if the weight fluctuations are small.
