How To Disassemble Headphones

How To Disassemble Headphones
How To Disassemble Headphones

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Almost everyone listens to music. One of the important accessories of a music lover is headphones. They help us listen to music anywhere. The advantage of using headphones is that the person wearing them does not disturb anyone with loud music. Now on store shelves you can find an extensive range of headphones and choose any to your taste. Very often it becomes necessary to disassemble or repair the headphones. Service repairs can be expensive. And why pay for something that you can do with your own hands.


Cotton gloves. Screwdriver


Step 1

First of all, you should make sure that disassembling the headphones can help fix the problem. You also need to understand if your headphone model can be disassembled. The fact is that there are models that cannot be disassembled, since they are disposable. Most often, large on-ear headphones lend themselves to disassembly. Check the manual for your headphones, there will probably be a diagram of them. If you do not have a manual, then visit the manufacturer's website, where you can find a detailed description of your model. This will come in handy in order to know exactly how your headphones are disassembled and not accidentally break them when disassembling.

Step 2

Place a soft cloth on the surface where you plan to disassemble the headphones. This is to avoid scratching them. It is also recommended to use cotton gloves. This will help prevent greasy marks on the headphones. Usually, the soft pillows are removed first, which are attached to the latches. To remove the pillows, you need to find the places of the latches and disconnect them. After that, you can dismantle the pillows. They can be of different materials. If they are made of padding polyester or other synthetic material, they can be washed.

Step 3

Now find all the screws that hold the outside of the earbuds, gently unscrew them. At the same time, try to remember where and which screw was located, so that you can then wrap them in the same order. To do this, you can draw a diagram where you can specify in detail the location of each screw.

Step 4

Find the locations of all the latches that hold the outer covers of the headphones. You need to gently press on them to open them. The outer covers can then be removed. It is best to use a plastic or rubber screwdriver to press on the latches, otherwise you can scratch the plastic, which is usually very fragile on the headphones. After that, the parsing of the headphones is complete. Pull the speakers out of the cabinet very carefully to avoid damaging the thin wires. Also remember that the small in-ear headphones cannot be disassembled because they are attached with glue or solder. Having disassembled such headphones, you will no longer be able to put them back together.
