How To Set Up An Offset Antenna

How To Set Up An Offset Antenna
How To Set Up An Offset Antenna

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In contrast to a direct focus satellite antenna, which is aimed exactly at the satellite, an offset antenna has a slightly different way of tuning. It depends on its design features. Otherwise, these two options do not differ much. You need to know the direction to the satellite, its coverage area, the angle of the antenna and the coordinates of the city. Thanks to a satellite dish, you can not only receive television channels in digital quality, but also connect to the global Internet.


  • - Fastsatfinder program;
  • - Satellite Antenna Alignment program;
  • - satellite receiver;
  • - television;
  • - computer.


Step 1

Select the diameter of the satellite offset antenna according to the coverage area of the required satellite or satellite group. It can be found on the website, where the parameters of television or Internet transponders are also determined. Take the diameter of the antenna mirror slightly larger than the recommended one. Select the converter according to the signal range of the satellite transponder, i.e. Ku (linear or circular) or C-band - r, l. It is necessary. Otherwise, the signal cannot be received.

Step 2

Install the satellite dish in a place where in front of it, in the direction of the satellite, there will be no tall buildings and tall trees with a spreading crown. Otherwise, the signal from the satellite will “crumble” into squares on the TV screen, and Internet packets will arrive with very large errors and delay.

Step 3

Determine the elevation or tilt angle of the offset satellite dish. To do this, you need to know the geographical coordinates of your city. You can find them at Find the elevation angle using the Satellite Antenna Alignment program. This program will also help you to align the antenna to the sun, i.e. its window indicates at what time in your city the sun will be in the same direction as the desired satellite. At this time, you should direct the antenna there and, moving it left-right and up-down, scan the horizon. Do it slowly, there is no need for rush in this process. To determine the signal, you can use either a special device, or a computer on which the Fastsatfinder program is installed, or a satellite receiver connected to the TV.

Step 4

Tune the antenna using a PC. To do this, start the Fastsatfinder program, enter the desired satellite, in the drop-down menu select the transponder that you defined earlier, and press the red button. Start scanning the horizon. When the signal percentage appears, reach its maximum value. Secure the antenna. Loosen the converter (linear) mount and maximize the signal by turning it clockwise or counterclockwise and lock.

Step 5

Adjust the offset antenna using the satellite receiver. Turn off the tuner. Connect the coaxial cable with F-connectors to the antenna convector and the LBN in of the receiver. Connect it to your TV via the antenna jack. Turn on the receiver. Tune in the TV channel on which satellite TV will be shown in the future. In the receiver menu, select the "Antenna" or "Setup" tab and select the satellite. If it is not there, then enter it manually through the "edit" menu. Select the transponder with the remote control and start scanning the horizon with the antenna. At the bottom of the setup window there will be power and signal strength lines. When it appears, fix the antenna and, adjusting the converter, achieve the maximum values.
