How To Make A Phone Battery

How To Make A Phone Battery
How To Make A Phone Battery

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Nowadays, few people can imagine their life without a mobile phone. A common situation is when the battery runs out, and there is no charger or outlet at hand. You can try to make a battery for your phone with your own hands.


  • - Charger;
  • - light bulbs;
  • - skills in working with electrical engineering.


Step 1

Assemble your phone battery at home. Use available tools for this, for example, there are apples in the refrigerator in every home. Take five sour apples, wash them thoroughly. Then take ten nails, insert two nails at the edges of the apples. Connect the nails together with wires. Please note that the wires must be placed strictly horizontally. The first battery is ready.

Step 2

Use the second method of making a battery for a mobile phone. Take any container (jar), fill it 90 percent with electrolyte. Before using to make a battery, wash and dry the jar well. Take six lead plates (never use copper for this).

Step 3

Buy rod weights from a fishing store if you don't have lead strips. Take two needles, put balls on them so that the needles are not visible. Leave the eye of the needle. After you have planted all the balls on the needle, hit it with a hammer, the lead will flatten out and you will get the plates.

Step 4

Drill six holes in the lid of the jar. Then place the lead plates in the holes so that they do not touch each other. Connect the three plates on the left side in pairs. Then three plates on the right. Insert the lid into a container with electrolyte, then put on the charger, make an additional small hole in the lid so that gases can escape.

Step 5

Take four lemons, preferably unripe. Insert a nail along the edges of each lemon. Connect the nails together horizontally. The battery is ready. Note that a battery made from apples and lemons already contains an initial current of about three to five volts. Charge the battery and connect it to your phone.
