What Are The Pros And Cons Of Television

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Television
What Are The Pros And Cons Of Television

It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without television. Most of us consider it one of our daily necessities. But, like many phenomena of social life, television is a "double-edged sword".

Virtual reality or real emotions?

Among the advantages of television - a large number of opportunities to receive a variety of information about the world while in your apartment. Look at unfamiliar and breathtaking landscapes, delve into the everyday life of South Africans, dream with the heroes of a melodrama - television allows us to distract ourselves from the everyday hustle and bustle and makes everyday life brighter. It entertains, relieves loneliness, makes you experience emotions - both negative and disturbing, as well as positive.

On the one hand, it really is a sacred thing to brighten up a person's loneliness, but addiction and social phobia develops. You need to live in the real world, emotions - to store for your own experiences. Why cry when listening to the story of a participant in any talk show, when in the vast majority of cases there is a professional actress in front of the viewer? One cannot lose the skills of real communication, preferring to sit in front of the TV and watch its virtual tours to visiting trips and real travels.

Watch and lie or not watch and run?

Another notable disadvantage of television is the promotion of laziness and sedentary behavior. In a world full of gadgets, when you don't have to go out again for a long time, people can not only send food and clothes to your home, but also “deliver” work. Of course, you can periodically switch to the sports training channel and engage with the heroes of the broadcast training. But the real world is always more interesting than the one shown on TV. And the best rest is not sitting on the couch in front of the TV, but walking or playing outdoors with children.

Lots of information - no time to think

Television demonstrates the achievements of progress - the prompt transmission of information to large masses. Of course, this has its advantages: society lives on the same wavelength, is aware of events and news, is informed in a timely manner about problems and dangers, has an idea of what is happening in remote cities and countries. But there is also a minus here - television does not provide information directly, but through an intermediary - those people, professionals who work on television. The public is allowed to know only what it needs to know from the point of view of the heads of TV companies, who, in turn, are dependent on the authorities. It is the power that determines the degree of freedom of the ether. But not only is information being filtered for the masses, but it is also presented with clear accents in such a way that the absolute majority form the point of view necessary for the authorities. In this sense, television makes people stupid, contributing to the fact that natural "analyzers" atrophy as unnecessary.

Where is the truth?

The most dangerous minus of television is the ability to convince the viewer of the veracity of the events shown. We believe talk shows, films, news, often without being able to personally verify the veracity of the information we hear. The development of technology makes it possible to masterfully create the necessary pictures so that the viewer experiences the emotions that are necessary for offscreen puppeteers.

But maybe it is television that will push humanity to an undeniable advantage, which, as a result of evolution, will learn to intuitively determine the degree of lies in the information received?..
