How To Read E-books On A Tablet

How To Read E-books On A Tablet
How To Read E-books On A Tablet

Reading is one of the most beneficial habits. People who read a lot can understand different issues, live several lives. Mobile devices make it possible to read e-books, saving their owners time and money.

PDF files

Acrobat Reader is a popular PDF reader from Adobe's flagship IT company. Using Acrobat Reader is simple and convenient, you can download the application for free for all existing mobile platforms: Android, iOS, Windows 8.

After installing Acrobat Reader on the tablet, all PDF files will be automatically opened by the "acrobat". If you need to read books in "office" doc format on a tablet, it doesn't matter - they are converted to PDF in Microsoft Word itself without loss of quality.

Mobi, FB2, ePub

Tablets are not the most convenient device for reading books. Books on "electronic ink" with E-Ink display allow the eye not to strain while reading. In addition, such devices keep the battery supply for a long time (up to 1 month without recharging). Buying an e-book to read can be a profitable investment for you in your development and health.

There is also a second side to the coin: many e-books are published in specialized formats. Amazon Kindle supports mobi format, Sony Reader e-books - epub, most Russian "readers" use fb2 format.

If you want to read a book in a specific format on a tablet, you must install a reader that supports this format. Popular "readers" of many "book" formats Cool Reader and Moon Reader work on iOS and Android. An alternative way is to convert an e-book to PDF on a computer (for example, using Caliber).

Paid services

There are dozens of paid book services. Working with them is relatively simple - you need to install an application for the tablet and pay a monthly fee on a regular basis. In return, you will have access to a huge repository of digital books. The BookMag service offers users of tablets on iOS and Android for a modest sum of 199 rubles per month access to tens of thousands of high-quality books.

Electronic Libraries

Libraries of St. Petersburg and Moscow cooperate with the popular online store "Liters". Anyone can come to the library, get a library card and “subscribe” 5-10 paid books for a period of 1 month for free. He will be given access to download the file to the tablet (you must first download the client for reading from the “Liters” website). To register at the library, you will need to present your passport.
