How To Close The Battery

How To Close The Battery
How To Close The Battery

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Central heating batteries are definitely a must in a home. But the trouble is, they are very ugly. No, there are modern models that are not ashamed to show people. But in the harsh Russian climate the best and most popular are cast-iron "accordions". They have the best heat transfer. Agree, their appearance is not very good. It is for such batteries that decorative screens were invented. They close the battery and do not spoil the interior of the room, and do not interfere with heat transfer.


  • - wooden slats,
  • - rattan canvas,
  • - epoxy adhesive,
  • - furniture stapler,
  • - aluminum strips,
  • - small screws.


Step 1

Decorative screens for batteries are made of various materials, from wood, plastic, drywall, metal. The only thing they have in common is the presence of openings for the unhindered penetration of warm air into the room.

Step 2

The basic rule for installing a decorative screen is the presence of free space between the window sill and the screen (8-10 cm) and between the screen and the floor (8-10 cm), which is also necessary for normal heating of the apartment. You can make a decorative screen yourself. Measure the estimated screen sizes for your battery.

Step 3

Measure and saw off wooden slats 3x5 cm in size, bring the ends of the slats to an angle of 45 degrees, glue them with epoxy resin, secure with a furniture stapler.

Step 4

Assemble a frame for stretching the decorative cloth from the 2x3 cm slats. Staple the strips together with epoxy and a stapler.

Step 5

Soak the rattan sheet in warm water for several hours to make it pliable. Stretch the canvas over a wooden frame, secure it with small nails or a furniture stapler.

Step 6

After the frame has dried, screw it with small screws to the frame from the slats. The screen is ready. To hang the screen on the battery, you can use the simplest method. Take aluminum strips 1, 5-2 cm wide, drill a hole at one end according to the diameter of the screws you have.

Step 7

Bend the strips on one side (from the side of the hole) and attach them to the screen frame with self-tapping screws at the desired height. Then just hang the frame over the battery. You can also fold the strips at the other end, then the screen will hang more firmly. This method allows you to remove the decorative screen from the battery at any time as needed, for example, for cleaning or repairs.
