How To Determine The Region By Cell Number

How To Determine The Region By Cell Number
How To Determine The Region By Cell Number

Table of contents:


Sometimes it is required to determine the region of the subscriber by his cell phone number. As a rule, such information can be obtained from open databases available on the Internet. However, it is usually the region that can be found out, since more detailed information is not published in the public domain.


access to the Internet


Step 1

Open a web browser on your computer, enter the following URL: In the left corner, select the Number analysis tools menu item, after which a list of available actions with a specific phone number will appear on your screen. Among them, select the second item - Analysis of IMSI numbers.

Step 2

Enter the phone number in international format in the appropriate form, press the Enter button and wait for the results to be displayed. Please note that in this case, the number is entered according to the sample below. If you enter the number of a Russian subscriber, do not use the eight, but write +7 instead, otherwise the number may simply not be recognized by the system.

Step 3

View the data on the owner of the SIM card - the region in which the number was registered, as well as the name of the operator and other parameters will be indicated in the lower right corner. You can also use this site for other operations with codes and cell phone numbers.

Step 4

If the above site does not open for you, open the official site of the mobile operator serving the subscriber of the number you are interested in. Review the list of operator codes that are defined for the regions of the Russian Federation and other countries.

Step 5

If you do not know the name of the operator, you can simply perform a search in the search engine by code (these are the first three digits after the country code). There are also special sites to help identify such information.

Step 6

Please note that in most cases it should be provided free of charge, since it is easy to get it yourself on the Internet or by calling the operator, so do not fall for the tricks of scammers and learn to use online services to find the data you are interested in.
