What Is A Digitizer

What Is A Digitizer
What Is A Digitizer

Not everyone knows that it is not necessary to use only one mouse to create drawings on a computer. To easily get a professionally executed image, special devices are used - digitizers.

A digitizer (or graphics tablet) is a computer peripheral device that allows you to hand-draw images and graphics in the same way as on paper, but thanks to this device, the drawings are digitized and can be processed by computer.

The digitizer consists of a touch panel, stylus (pen) and connects to a computer. Everything that is drawn on its surface is displayed directly on the computer monitor to which the device is connected. The first device to be the forerunner of the modern tablet was the phototelegraph patented by Elisha Gray in 1888.

Graphic tablets are used as a tool for creating 2D computer graphics by converting drawn information into digital ones, and have the ability to record stylus movements, noting changes in pressure, speed and angle to the surface.

Graphic tablets are popular with artists. When combined with software such as Adobe Photoshop, you can create high-quality images and digitize them professionally at home. And special handwriting recognition apps are capable of converting handwritten letters into printed ones in an electronic document.

Large size digitizers resembling drawing boards are used for design work. You can attach a sheet of paper to them. Instead of a stylus, it uses a “washer” with a magnifying glass, a cross for precise positioning, and several buttons for entering position coordinates and other functions. Step by step, the created template is processed by specialized software, as a result of which the final image is generated.