How To Sync The Time

How To Sync The Time
How To Sync The Time

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Any clock sooner or later lags behind, or vice versa - goes ahead of the reference value. And if earlier, in the pre-computer era, people had to set their clocks by radio and television signals, now at any time you can synchronize the time on your computer and find out its value with an accuracy of a second.


Step 1

To sync the time, go to the Windows Control Panel. Open the date and time settings. You will see a new window with three tabs: "Date and Time", "Time Zone (Additional Clock)" and "Internet Time".

Step 2

Further steps depend on the version of the Windows operating system that you have installed. In Windows XP, click the Internet Time tab. Check the box next to Synchronize with an Internet time server. In the drop-down list below, select the server with which readings will be synchronized. Then click on the button on the right "Update now". After a few seconds, you will see a service message in the same window with the following content: "The time was successfully synchronized from (time server) to (date and time of reconciliation)." Most importantly, be sure to check in advance that the Time Zone tab contains the correct information for your local time.

Step 3

To synchronize the time in Windows Vista, in the Date and Time Settings window, go to the Internet Time tab. Click the Change Settings button. An additional window with synchronization settings will open in front of you. Check the box next to Synchronize with an Internet time server. Slightly below, select one of the proposed servers from the drop-down list and click on the "Update now" button. The computer will contact the server, you will see the message: "The time was successfully synchronized (server and date)". Click "OK" and, returning to the time and date settings window, close it.
