How To Unsubscribe From A Phone

How To Unsubscribe From A Phone
How To Unsubscribe From A Phone

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Since most people at the moment prefer to call on a mobile phone for work or for solving personal issues, a landline phone is no longer so in demand. Most often they do not use it at all, so the issue of giving up the phone is quite relevant.


Step 1

To turn off a landline telephone and not pay a monthly fee, first of all, find the agreement that you entered into when connecting communication services. Read all the points regarding the terms of using the phone, as well as the terms of its disconnection, including the requirements that the company imposes on such subscribers.

Step 2

Review the first or last page of the contract and find a phone number where you can contact your telephone company representative. Call this number and tell the consultant that you want to cancel communication services. Listen carefully to the answer of a specialist, which will outline the terms of termination of the contract and the time frame in which this will take place.

Step 3

Contact the nearest bank branch and pay the debt that is fixed for your telephone number, as well as part of the subscription fee for using the telephone. Be sure to keep the receipt of payment, as it must be presented when terminating the contract for the provision of services.

Step 4

Go to the office of the telephone company that provides you with city services, and bring with you the agreement and the receipt for payment of the debt. Write a statement directly in the office that you voluntarily terminate the contract, and indicate in it the reason for termination. Then register this statement with the Telecommunications Marketing Department.

Step 5

After a while, during which your application will be considered by the appropriate specialists, look in your mailbox. There you will see a notification, which will spell out the decision either to disconnect your home phone, or to refuse to disconnect. In the latter case, be sure to go to the office of the telephone company or call a consultant and clarify the reasons for the refusal in order to resolve the disputes that have arisen.
