How To Pay With A Phone In A Store

How To Pay With A Phone In A Store
How To Pay With A Phone In A Store

Bank cards are just a piece of plastic with a microchip. All information about the holder necessary for making payments is recorded on the chip in credit cards. The exact same chip is found in smartphones. Consequently, the owners of such phones are able to pay with their help for all sorts of purchases on the same principle as with cards.

Near field communication is used to exchange data between terminals and smartphones. Its distinctive feature is that when paying, the user does not have to fill in the username and password, that is, to pay, the owner of the smartphone just needs to attach it to the top of the terminal, to the green indicators.

Payment by phone: programs

In order to be able to use a smartphone to pay for purchased goods, you first need to install a special program on it. To date, several such applications have been developed.

To quickly pay for purchases with a smartphone, you can, for example, download and deliver:

  • "Yandex money";
  • Samsung Pay;
  • Visa QIWI Wallet;
  • Apple Pay;
  • Android Pay.

Which banks' clients can use the function

At the moment, people who have opened accounts in almost any bank have the opportunity to pay with a smartphone for purchases. For example, this service is provided by:

  • Sberbank;
  • "Alfa Bank";
  • Promsvyazbank;
  • "Opening";
  • Tinkoff;
  • "Russian Standard" and many others.

Is it possible to pay with any smartphone model?

As already mentioned, for contactless payment to be possible, the device must be equipped with an NFC chip. Older models must also have a Secure Element processor. It contains the data of the downloaded payment application.

Only smartphones with the FNC function can be used to pay for purchases. And it is supplemented by almost all modern relatively new models. In any case, contactless payment can be made using:

  • Macbook Pro 2016;
  • iPhone SE, 6 and 7 Plus, 6, 7, 6s;
  • Apple Watch of the first and second generations;
  • iPad of all latest versions.

How to set up NFC

To be able to make a payment, owners of smartphones based on "Android" must enter the menu and select "Wireless networks". Next, you need to click on the NFC module and activate it. Owners of Windows phones to activate NFC should enter the settings and select the "Devices" line.

How to download a map

After downloading the application, the smartphone user will most likely immediately see a simple form in which he will be asked to enter credit card details. Most programs allow you to use both Visa and MasterCard PayPass for smartphone payments.

You can also use a special virtual card to make purchases with your phone. Such a credit card will be offered to the user immediately after installing the application for payment.

Most programs allow you to download several maps to one smartphone at the same time. Payment is made in a similar way through secure channels. So, using the phone for shopping is safe and, of course, very convenient.
