How To Choose A Dental Crown

How To Choose A Dental Crown
How To Choose A Dental Crown

Dental crowns are prostheses that allow the restoration of the visible part of the tooth. They can be used both independently and as part of prostheses - dental bridges, removable structures or fixed on implants. Their main vocation is not only to recreate the dentition, but also to restore its functionality.

Types of crowns

There are several types of dental crowns:

- metal dental crowns;

- dental crowns made of solid ceramics;

- metal crowns covered with ceramics on the outside;

- metal crowns with a plastic surface;

- crowns made of zirconium and aluminum oxides.

Quality of dental crowns

The best quality crowns are made of zirconium oxide and aluminum, as they are made from a very durable material. The process of their manufacture is very difficult, therefore, special equipment is used for this. Their service life reaches about 15 to 20 years, and they also do not shrink and do not change color and shape throughout the entire time.

The second place is taken by metal dental crowns. Their strength and durability are not very different from those made of zirconium oxide and aluminum. However, the metal itself is very hard, unlike the enamel of the teeth, so over time, such crowns will erase the top layer of adjacent teeth on the opposite jaw.

The third place is taken by metal-ceramic dental crowns. The metal base gives them strength, and the outer part, covered with ceramics, aesthetics. All-ceramic crowns are often very fragile, although the more expensive the ceramic, the better and more reliable it is.

In the last place are metal-plastic crowns, because, despite their solid base, they are able to change not only their shape, but also color. The downside of this material is the frequent chipping of plastic from metal due to poor connection. The shelf life of such crowns is no more than three years, so they are more used as a temporary option for the time of getting used to new prostheses.

Aesthetics of dental crowns

The most aesthetic crowns are made of zirconium oxide and aluminum, since when they are fixed in the oral cavity, they shine through in the light in the same way as natural teeth. It is almost impossible to distinguish them from the real ones.

The material used in the manufacture of ceramic crowns is natural and the most accessible for tooth restoration. And cermets are generally recommended only for the restoration of lateral teeth, since when they are installed in place of the anterior teeth, their base will shine through.

Metal-based crowns are the worst because they do not meet any of the aesthetic requirements.

Cost of dental crowns

The most expensive crowns are zirconium oxide dentures, which is explained by their strength and durability, as well as high aesthetics. All other crowns are at about the same price line, except for metal-plastic, as their use is limited, because they are used only as temporary crowns.
