Smart Robot Pepper

Smart Robot Pepper
Smart Robot Pepper

The future has already arrived. In February 2015, the Japanese telecommunications company Softbank sold the first batch of 300 robots. The robot was sold through Internet sites and in stores for software developers.

The humanoid robot Pepper was developed by Softbank to communicate with humans. The humanoid is 120 centimeters tall and weighs only 28 kilograms. Such small dimensions of the robot are associated with the psychological fear of people in front of huge androids.

The robot's intelligence is in a cloud space, with which it is constantly in touch via the Internet. This allows the robot to be constantly updated and improved. Android is equipped with video cameras, microphones and sensors, with the help of which it analyzes information received from people and the environment.

The robot recognizes the facial expression of a person and the intonation with which this person is talking, and responds adequately to everything that happens. A person can provide feedback to the robot not only with the help of voice commands, but also with the help of a touch monitor located on his chest.

In the future, it is planned to use the robot to help people who cannot take care of themselves.

It is also planned to use the robot for training purposes. The robot can teach small children in a playful way. And the kids are very interested in communicating with such an unusual teacher. They are more willing to go to classes and are more active in class.

However, the question immediately arises about managing this gadget. If the entire brain of a robot is located in a cloud space on the Internet, then it will also be possible to control it from the outside. Therefore, in addition to the necessary assistant, you can purchase an ideal spy who will monitor you 24 hours a day. That is, your life may be at the mercy of people who create software for robots, and all our fears about a machine uprising and a robot riot may not be so abstract fantasies.
