What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Popular Systems For Defrosting Household Refrigerators

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Popular Systems For Defrosting Household Refrigerators
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Popular Systems For Defrosting Household Refrigerators

The main task of the refrigerator is to cool the food placed in it. During this process, frost is formed, which must be removed somehow. Today there is no need to do it manually, because automatic defrosting systems have been invented.

Defrosting the refrigerator manually is a difficult task for every housewife, because for this you need to take out the chilled and frozen products, ensure their safety, turn off the refrigerator, wait until the ice inside the freezer melts, collect the resulting water, wash and dry the refrigerator … Fortunately, today less and less are produced refrigerators requiring manual defrosting and more and more with automatic defrosting systems.

Drip defrost system

The essence of this system is that the resulting frost melts after the compressor stops working and the water is collected in a special container. When the compressor starts up again and warms up, the water evaporates.

- simplicity, - the process of removing the formed frost does not affect the condition of the products in the refrigerator and freezer, - affordable price of refrigerators with a drip defrost system.

System "No Frost"

During operation of the “No Frost” system, the accumulated water also evaporates, but the fundamental difference is that the built-in cooler forcibly drives cold air throughout the refrigerator, thus the moisture remains in the evaporator.

- food is cooled faster and more evenly than when using the aforementioned defrosting systems, - provides a more uniform temperature inside the refrigerator.

The main thing of the "No Frost" system seems to me to be the need to carefully pack the food, because due to the more active air circulation and the removal of moisture from it, the food dries. There is also a higher noise level during the operation of refrigerators with "No Frost".
