How Does A Stun Gun Work

How Does A Stun Gun Work
How Does A Stun Gun Work

More and more space is given to personal safety and self-defense methods in modern times. Some enroll in the martial arts section, while others prefer to get by with special devices. One of them is the stun gun, which is gaining popularity among both girls and men.

The action of a stun gun on a living organism

When a stun gun touches an area of the skin, it emits an impulse that makes a person's muscles contract incredibly quickly, which leads to a convulsion. In parallel with this effect, the stun gun affects the nerve fibers that conduct signals from the brain to the muscles and limbs, which can affect a person's movements or even cause temporary paralysis. For such an effect, three seconds of pressing the button is enough, and after five to ten minutes the effect produced passes.

When using the device, remember the most sensitive points on the human body:

- neck;

- groin area;

- solar plexus;

- head.

The least effect will have a defeat in the area of the upper and lower limbs of the attacker.

Permission to use a stun gun

Almost any adult citizen can buy a stun gun. Unlike gas and firearms, this device does not require a license or registration. When buying, a person just needs to have a passport with him. Such a simple procedure increases the demand for this type of weapon for self-defense. Its effect on the body is more powerful than that of a gas cartridge.

Using a stun gun

The action of the stun gun applies to all living organisms. With it, you can fight off both the bully and the stray dog that attacked you. By the way, in animals, the nervous system is more susceptible to the effects of an electric shock.

In addition, during the discharge, natural gas is released - ozone, which animals are afraid of. Combined with the sound and noise effect, this causes panic in the aggressive dog and leads to his flight. That is why the effectiveness of this device in protection from animals is quite high.

The use of a stun gun does not carry dangerous consequences for the body and does not lead to death. The action of the shocker is limited to a violation of the coordination of movements for some time and the neutralization of aggression.

However, it must be remembered that the stun gun, like any other weapon, requires the acquisition of some special self-defense skills. In particular, it is necessary to know the most vulnerable places for electric shock and be able to apply a shocker to this area for the required time.

Before using a shocker, you need to remember that this is not a means of entertainment. Such a device has an effect on a living organism up to the loss of consciousness and failure of the limbs, albeit temporarily.
