How To Choose A Wireless Computer Mouse

How To Choose A Wireless Computer Mouse
How To Choose A Wireless Computer Mouse

Wires, wires, wires - the world is entangled in wires stretching between countries and continents. It is not surprising that at one fine moment humanity decided to end this scourge. Various devices were invented, connected to each other by invisible threads of Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 3G, LTE and so on. And it became more difficult for a person to navigate when choosing even the most ordinary mouse.

Wireless mouse makers strive to surpass each other. New models appear almost every week. On the one hand, the great variety should make it easy to choose the model that is right for you. On the other hand, it becomes easier to get confused in such an assortment. But you can focus on some characteristics common to all devices.

Mouse by hand

The main rule when choosing a wireless mouse is not "long-playing" batteries or the range of the adapter. The most important thing is how comfortable the device is in your hand.

The most important parameter is the comfort for your hand, otherwise you will not be able to use it for a long time.

Feel free to ask the seller for a mouse. Take it in your hand, listen to the sensations. Imagine how you will drive the cursor around the screen with it for hours. Convenience and, once again, convenience is the main criterion. If you have the slightest doubt or discomfort, choose another model. And best of all - an ergonomic one, where every line of the body will fit your palm and fingers.

Wireless adapter

After the first step is completed, it is worth thinking about the adapter. There are two basic requirements for it: signal confidence and range. Think about where you will use the mouse. If only near the computer, then the "range" will not play a role. And if you are going to connect a PC to a TV and control it from the couch, you already need powerful electronics.

Test the mouse in the store for range and reception confidence. Connect it to your laptop or computer and slowly step back. The further you go at the first sign of signal loss, the better.

It is better to choose a universal adapter, since this way it will be possible to connect other wireless devices to it: keyboard, headphones, printer, etc. Otherwise, each device will require a separate connection and USB connector.

It's all about the charge

The weak point of any wireless technology is batteries or rechargeable batteries. There are two main types - its own battery, charged by a special device, or AAA batteries. Experienced users recommend the latter option.

Replacing AAA batteries is much easier than finding a new battery that fits only a particular mouse model.

The battery gradually loses its charge and becomes useless over time. And it will no longer be possible to replace it, since any computer devices will sooner or later be removed from production. We'll have to buy a new manipulator.

AAA rechargeable batteries, unlike a simple battery, are always available and can be easily purchased. So the mouse will delight you for a very long time.

Rely on the brand, but yourself …

And one more thing - which brand to choose a mouse. It is impossible to unequivocally answer this question, but with the recommendations given above, the question is solved easier. There are fans of certain brands - this is their full right. And there are people who choose new brands and are completely satisfied with it. Remember only the recommendations given and you can find what you like.
