Self-isolation And Delivery In Online Stores During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Self-isolation And Delivery In Online Stores During The Coronavirus Pandemic
Self-isolation And Delivery In Online Stores During The Coronavirus Pandemic

In order to protect human health from the coronavirus, the authorities of countries around the world are taking more and more effective measures to stop the pandemic. Mass sports and social events are being canceled, parks, theaters, schools, companies and companies are closing down to remote work for employees, states are closing borders, prohibiting the entry of foreign citizens, and restricting flights and rail links. Many countries have gone into isolation.

Another effective measure to combat coronavirus is self-isolation, which involves the exclusion of all contact with other people. For Muscovites, a decree was issued on the introduction of a self-isolation regime, which also applies to other regions. The decree obliges citizens to stay at home, notify the relevant authorities about their arrival from abroad, about contact with infected persons, follow the rules of the regime and other restrictions. For violation of the rules of the regime - a fine or criminal liability.

Who needs self-isolation

• If you have had contact with infected people.

• If there was contact with people who have recently visited unfavorable countries.

• People who came from countries prohibited by WHO.

• It is recommended to quarantine relatives, neighbors or living with people who have been in contact with sick people or have visited unfavorable countries recently.

List of countries for self-isolation regime:

• China;

• South Korea;

• Iran;

• Italy;

• Spain;

• France;

• Germany.

• Rosturizm has provided for tourists a list of countries not recommended for visiting, which can be found on the website of any travel agency.

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How long does the coronavirus live in parcels?

A new type of coronavirus can survive without a human body only under certain conditions. It is important for the virus that the habitat is humid and the ambient temperature fluctuates between 0 and 20 degrees. The survival time of the virus is staggering, but scientists were able to document the survival of the virus for 9 days. An additional condition for the transmission of the virus is a certain medium, for example: drip, contact or oral. Therefore, even if your parcel is at the stage of transfer to the transport department and was infected with a virus, the virus will not be able to survive in long-distance shipment. Scientists from California were asking this question back in January. And they figured out that there is not a single recorded case of a person getting sick through a postal or courier mail. Relatives of the coronavirus live on the surface for only a few hours, and are transmitted through respiratory droplets from person to person.

Self-isolation regime rules

The new virus has a long incubation period of 14 days. At the initial stage, while the virus in the body has not yet spread to a critical mass, signs of the disease may not appear in any way, but at this time a person is already a distributor of the virus.

1. The regime is set for 14 days from the date of stay in the country from countries banned by WHO and the Ministry of Health.

2. You must inform the local departments of the Ministry of Health about your arrival. There are hot lines in all regions.

3. In case of contact with infected people, it is also necessary to notify the authorities and isolate yourself.

4. It is necessary to stay at home, not to go to work, study, and not to go outside. Use only service services for the delivery of food, medicine and garbage disposal in a non-contact way, you can also ask volunteers for help. Pay for products remotely, the courier will leave the order in front of the door.

5. Family members living in the same territory must also go to quarantine.

6. Observe the general rules of hygiene, decontaminate and ventilate the home.

7. If the temperature rises and signs of ODS appear, call an ambulance.

How sick leave is paid

Since a person is forced to not work, it is necessary to obtain a sick leave. You do not need to visit a medical institution, you must notify the Ministry of Health or the local clinic about self-isolation, and the sick leave will be delivered to the address. Sick leave is paid according to the general rules of labor law.
