How To Change The Font On Your Phone

How To Change The Font On Your Phone
How To Change The Font On Your Phone

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If your phone is equipped with the Windows Mobile operating system, then it has advanced options for configuring the appearance of its interface. The default Windows Mobile system font is Tahoma. In order to install a different font, you will need to edit several registry settings.


desktop computer (or laptop), mobile phone with Windows Mobile, internet


Step 1

Download CeRegEditor, a free registry editor for handheld devices running Windows Mobile, Pocket PC and Windows CE operating systems. Install the program on your PC following the instructions of the installation wizard. Attention: the program is designed for mobile devices, but runs from a regular computer.

Step 2

Connect your phone to the font you want to use on your phone. Double click on a font file to see more information about it. Remember its name. Do not close the window with the folder containing the fonts.

Step 3

Using Windows Explorer on your desktop computer, open the Windows / Fonts folder on your mobile phone. Drag the font of your choice to this folder.

Step 4

Launch the CeRegEditor program on your desktop computer. Open the path "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / GDI / SysFnt" (this path leads to the system font of your operating system). Find the item “Nm“and replace the name Tahoma with the name of the font of your choice. Repeat this step for "HKLM / SYSTEM / GWE / Menu / Menufnt / Barfnt" and "HKLM / SYSTEM / GWE / Menu / Menufnt / Popfnt".

Step 5

Finally, open the path "HKEY_LOCAL_MAСHINE / SYSTEM / GDI / FontAlias" and replace the name Tahoma with the full name of the new font. Reboot your mobile device. Upon restart, Windows Mobile will use the new font as the system font.
