What To Do If Your Phone Is Dropped

What To Do If Your Phone Is Dropped
What To Do If Your Phone Is Dropped

Mobile phones, relatively recently introduced into our everyday life, quickly became a necessity. In a hurry, on the go, taking it out of a pocket or a handbag, we sometimes drop it. What to do if the phone is dropped?

Falling falling - strife.

If you dropped your phone at home on a carpet or carpet, then nothing terrible may happen to it.

If the fall occurred on the street to the sidewalk, from the balcony to the pavement, the consequences could be more serious. Most often, the display suffers - the screen can crack or even break. The case may also crack.

Depending on the damage, you can change something yourself by purchasing it in specialized mobile communication stores.

In case of deep internal deformations, it is better to contact a repair shop, because a modern mobile phone is a complex electronic device.

Quite often the phone falls into water or other liquid medium. There are frequent cases of drowning the phone in the toilet or, even worse, in a public toilet. Such collisions are not always hopeless. In this case, remove the phone from the liquid in which it is found as soon as possible. After wiping the case open and remove the battery. This must be done as quickly as possible, since the impact on the elements of the telephone with water under electrical voltage is many times more harmful.

Now take your time to disassemble the phone as much as you can. If the liquid was cloudy and contaminated, rinse all parts under running clean water. Wipe the parts gently with a tissue and prepare the phone to dry.

Do not dry your phone in the usual way - on stoves, radiators. With this drying, moisture evaporates from the surface, remaining in narrow inaccessible places. Moreover, do not use a hair dryer. It is more likely to drive moisture deeper inside, which will invariably lead to oxidation of metal parts.

The best way to dry your phone is by drawing moisture out of the parts. For these purposes, ordinary rice is ideal as an absorbing substance, which is sure to be found in any kitchen.

Pour the rice into a suitable sealable container. Place the case and all other parts of the phone in it. Close the lid tightly and shake. Leave the container with the phone for two days to completely absorb liquid from the surfaces and sinuses of the parts. On the third day, remove and blow off the parts. Reassemble the phone in reverse order. Insert the battery and turn it on, it should work.

If not, try plugging it in via a charger without a battery. If it works, it means that the phone is working properly, and you just need to replace the battery.
