How To Determine The Code On The Radio

How To Determine The Code On The Radio
How To Determine The Code On The Radio

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Car users are often faced with the problem of determining the code on the radio. This question is raised in almost every automotive forum. It is not difficult to find out the radio tape recorder code if you know the VIN code.


Step 1

In the event that the car radio was released together with the car, you can contact the official dealership and provide the documents for the car. This can be done by coming to the center or by calling. You will be asked to clarify the data, and also asked to say the VIN number of your radio, after which they will tell you the code.

Step 2

If you have already changed the radio on your car, then the first thing to do is to remove the device from the socket. This can be done using four metal objects that need to be pressed around the perimeter of the system.

Step 3

Examine the removed radio tape recorder for the code, because it is sometimes indicated directly on the case so as not to forget. If the previous owner did not leave you such a hint, then find a sticker on the radio with its serial number, which looks like a combination of many numbers and English letters. Write down the code in a safe place.

Step 4

There are many programs on the Internet for generating codes for car stereos. Find a suitable program, download and run. In a special window, enter the serial number of the radio, then wait until the program displays the code you need on the screen.

Step 5

Put the radio tape recorder back into the car, turn it on. To unblock it, enter the received code, check that there are no typos. The number of attempts to enter the unlock code ranges from 3 to 10, it all depends on the type of radio.

Step 6

After you have successfully unlocked your car radio, write down the unlock code in a safe place. For safety reasons, it is highly discouraged to record it on the radio case.
