How To Make An Air Conditioner With Your Own Hands

How To Make An Air Conditioner With Your Own Hands
How To Make An Air Conditioner With Your Own Hands

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In the hot summer period, more and more people realize the need to buy an air conditioner, but in some cases, when it is not possible to purchase a professional branded air conditioner, you have to cope with cooling the room on your own. You can try making your own home air conditioner. In order for it to start functioning properly, you only need a cold water supply system.


  • hose, fan
  • 2. Plastic bottles, fan
  • 3. Radiator, hoses, fan


Step 1

For one type of homemade air conditioner, you will need a garden hose or thin copper pipe and a powerful fan. Attach the hose to the fan guard by spiraling it around and leaving a small distance between the hose turns.

Step 2

Attach one end of the hose to the water tap, and lower the other into the bathtub. Simultaneously turn on the fan and cold water at high pressure.

Step 3

You can also make a small room air conditioner using plastic bottles. Put cold water in plastic or glass bottles and put them in the freezer overnight to freeze the water. On a flat surface in front of the turned on fan, place all bottles in a row at a short distance from each other.

Step 4

Another way to make an air conditioner is to use a small car radiator with an electric fan. Connect two rubber hoses to the radiator - for water supply and outflow.

Step 5

Place the radiator on a flat surface in a vertical position and connect the fan to the mains using a 12 volt power adapter. Using a hose, run water into the radiator at a low pressure.

Step 6

For the air conditioner to perform better, do not overload the hoses. If you decide to use a bottled conditioner, add a small amount of salt to the water before freezing - salt water melts more slowly.
