How To Waterproof An Electronic Watch

How To Waterproof An Electronic Watch
How To Waterproof An Electronic Watch

Table of contents:


Electronic watches need to be protected from moisture. There are methods to protect mechanisms from water penetration (waterproofing). For watches, the mechanism is insulated by the case. Today, many watch case designs are designed to protect mechanisms from damage when immersed in water.


Nippers, universal tool kit, beeswax and petroleum jelly


Step 1

Open the watch lid only with special nippers, do not use scissors, as the case can be damaged. Some covers open with light pressure (pushing) on it.

Step 2

Spread the edges of the lid with petroleum jelly and beeswax to prevent moisture from getting between the glass and the metal ring holding the glass. The proportions of petroleum jelly and beeswax should be 2: 1.

Step 3

Check the crown so that friction between the gasket is not obstructed, as this slows down the winding of the spring. Close the watch cover tightly.

Step 4

Check how firmly the cover is closed. Even if it snaps into place, you should check if it snapped into place correctly.
