Everything About Speakers: How They Are Made

Everything About Speakers: How They Are Made
Everything About Speakers: How They Are Made

Speakers are devices that convert an electromagnetic signal into sound vibrations. They all have almost the same design, but differ in power and materials used in production.

General scheme

The loudspeaker converts electrical energy into sound waves. These sound waves are created using sophisticated devices made of metal, magnets, wire, plastic, and paper. Vibrations are generated by changing the current on a permanent magnet. A paper or plastic cone then begins to move over the magnet to create sound waves using vibration.


The speaker frame is usually made of stamped iron or aluminum. The reason for using this material is the high rigidity of this material. This protects all internal parts of the speakers from external influences.

Permanent magnet

A permanent magnet is a part that converts an electrical signal into mechanical sound vibrations. They cause the speaker cone to move and vibrate. A permanent magnet is attached to the speaker cabinet. These magnets are created by fusing iron and strontium oxides with a ceramic base in a mold. The mold is then heated to melt the mixture to create a ceramic magnet.


The voice coil is an electromagnet. The strength of the magnetic field in it changes depending on the strength of the incoming signal. These changes in the magnitude of the magnetic force between the coil and the permanent magnet cause periodic cyclic movements of the diffuser.


A diffuser is a speaker component that converts electromagnetic vibrations into sound vibrations. It touches the speaker housing and the electromagnet, while vibrating freely to create sound waves. There is often a pad of soft elastic material between the housing and the diffuser. This buffer allows the cone to move over a wider range to create sound waves of a lower frequency. Diffusers can be made from a variety of materials, including paper, mylar, and plastic. Due to its availability and low cost, paper is the most popular material.


After all the parts are assembled, the speaker is mounted in the housing. The materials and shape of the cabinet also affect the tone and sound characteristics of a speaker. Wood is often used for the body, as it makes the sound lower and softer. Aluminum is sometimes used. For cheap speaker models, plastic is usually used because of its cheapness.
