How To Open A Payment Terminal

How To Open A Payment Terminal
How To Open A Payment Terminal

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A couple of years ago, to pay for the Internet, use a landline phone, replenish an account on a mobile phone and other services, it was necessary to look for special points of acceptance of payments or stand in line at banks and at the post office. Now it is enough to visit a supermarket and place a couple of bills in the payment terminal.


Step 1

You can easily organize your own business by installing such a device. First of all, choose a terminal. The cost of these machines ranges from $ 2,000 to 6,000, it all depends on their capabilities and security system. The simplest terminals can only pay for services, units are also more expensive and print digital photos. There are those that can stand outside in any weather, their cost starts at $ 4500. Any payment terminal is equipped with a security system that protects your property from thieves and looters. Some cars also have sensors for unauthorized opening, tilt, rotation, and can emit sound signals when trying to break into.

Step 2

If the full cost of the terminal is too high for you, you can lease it. Thus, you will immediately pay about 30%, the rest of the cost will have to be reimbursed within 2-3 years.

Step 3

When choosing a terminal, pay special attention to the interface - it should be easy to use and understandable. Check the capacity of the bill acceptor (at least 1500 bills) so that you do not have to frequently collect money. A thermal printer that prints receipts must be of high quality.

Step 4

Next, you need to select the location of the terminal. Large cities are already oversaturated with these machines. But in the regions there is a shortage of such convenient devices. There is a misconception that small towns do not need terminals because older people are used to paying bank bills. This is not the case, many old people would be happy to use such machines, because health no longer allows you to stand in lines and walk far. In addition, terminals are popular in educational institutions, office centers, parks - that is, in any place where crowds of people are formed.

Step 5

The advantage of this business is also that you do not need any special permits and licenses. It is enough to rent 1 square meter of the area where you will place the terminal, and take care of the availability of a 220-volt outlet. Each machine has a wireless modem that transmits data.

Step 6

You must also choose a payment system with which you will carry out your services. The largest payment systems are E-port, Cyberplat and OSMP. After connecting to a certain payment system, you open an account where you need to make an advance payment. When the end user makes a payment through your terminal, the data about this is automatically sent to the manager of the payment system, and the required amount is withdrawn from your account. It is sent to the payee. A small percentage, of course, is charged by the payment system you have chosen for intermediary services.

Step 7

Your profit in this business is 3-5% from each payment. Expenses: purchase of a terminal, replacement of paper for a thermal printer, payment for renting a place, commission of the payment system, bank commission for transferring funds from one account to another, taxes, payment for collection, maintenance, payment for communication services. It seems that the amount of expenses is large, but, usually, after a few months the business starts to make a profit. One such device can give up to $ 1000 per month, provided, of course, that it is installed in a good place.
