Why Don't All Speakers Play

Why Don't All Speakers Play
Why Don't All Speakers Play

Computer speakers from year to year are becoming more advanced and of high quality in terms of assembly and sound. But any technique tends to fail. It is necessary to find out in more detail why the speakers do not play.

The situation of faulty speakers most often occurs either because of the power cable, or because of the cable with which they are connected to the computer. To check if the cables are guilty, it is necessary to change their position several times in space. If the sound suddenly appears and disappears, then the source of the problem is found correctly. If you have a soldering iron and experience, you can strip the cable in the place where the sound appears and disappears when moving, and solder it.

If one of the speakers does not work, then in the overwhelming majority of cases this is exactly the speaker on which there is no on / off button and volume controls. Now the problem is in the cable that connects the speakers to each other. You can solve the problem in the same way as indicated above.

Sometimes the problem described above is caused by a faulty sound card output. This is checked by connecting other speakers or headphones to this output. If the other pair of speakers is also failing, then the root of the problem is identified correctly. But only buying another sound card can help. The good news is that most of them cost no more than a couple of thousand rubles.

You can try to look through the device manager to see if there is a "question mark" next to the sound card. If it is, then you need to reinstall the sound card drivers, and the problem of non-working speakers will go away by itself.

In rare cases, one of the speakers or both do not sound when their power supply is inoperative. It is quite difficult to make sure that the problem is in him; you will need to first exclude all the possible causes described above. If they are all excluded, then you need to connect the non-working speakers to another power source and another computer. The sound is gone? You can try to repair the power supply, but this is a rather laborious process, and there is no guarantee that the repair will be durable.
