How To Protect Your Phone

How To Protect Your Phone
How To Protect Your Phone

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A cell phone is small and fragile. It can be stolen, you can lose it, it can "drown" or break on impact. But a mobile phone is not a cheap thing, and I want it to serve for a long time. You can protect your phone if you follow some simple rules.


Step 1

First of all, protect your phone from accidental button presses. Block it. As a rule, the phone is locked through the “Settings. Safety". Here select the submenu "Phone lock".

Step 2

To protect the SIM card, in the same menu, select the "SIM lock" item. Now a stranger cannot use your SIM card. Please note that if you accidentally dial the wrong code three times, the SIM card will be blocked. In order to unblock it, you need to enter an eight-digit PUK. (You will find PIN and PUK codes on the SIM card package).

Step 3

Protect your phone from mechanical damage. Carry it only in a case or in a special purse. Check the reliability of the lace - the fastening must be secure, and the lace itself is intact. If your phone has touch controls, remember to change the screen protector from time to time. Over time, the film deteriorates and the screen may be scratched.

Step 4

Protect your mobile phone from external influences. In rainy weather, carry it in a waterproof bag. Don't pull it out unnecessarily. Please note that using a cell phone during a thunderstorm is dangerous not only for the phone, but also for your health.

Step 5

Don't take your cell phone to the bathroom. You can accidentally "drown" it, and high humidity is harmful to the mechanism of a sensitive apparatus.

Step 6

Protect your phone from falling. Do not place it on the edge of a table (cabinet, chair, bed) where it can fall. Do not give a cell phone to small children - it is not a toy.

Step 7

Protect your phone from thieves and fraudsters. Do not put it in the back pocket of your trousers. Also, do not carry your mobile phone in an unbuttoned purse. Don't let strangers call your phone. If you are asked to call, say that you do not have a mobile phone, or it is discharged, or there is no money in the account.

If you follow these simple rules, your phone will be protected from natural influences and from bad people.
