How To Enable MMS On IPhone?

How To Enable MMS On IPhone?
How To Enable MMS On IPhone?

The most common causes of MMS problems on iPhone are incorrect network settings. Correct settings will help enable this option and exchange picture and voice messages without problems.

Apple has tried to simplify the process of customizing its products as much as possible, so one click is enough to activate many parameters on a smartphone and tablet.

First you need to try turning on the MMS function on your iPhone by going to the messaging settings. The MMS Messages option must be activated. Do the same with the Cellular Data option in your iPhone's cellular settings. The smartphone must have internet access. To check this, just turn on Wi-Fi, find a suitable network and open any of the addresses in the browser.

The next step is to reboot your smartphone. Turn off the gadget, remove and reinsert the SIM card, and then turn on the device. Check if MMS function works on iPhone. If you still can't send the message, then you should reset the network settings.

In order to restore the normal operation of the gadget, you need to go to the main settings of the smartphone and find the "Reset" parameter. Then you need to reset the network settings. And again turn off the gadget, get out and insert the SIM card into the phone and try to send MMS to the iPhone.

If messages are still not sent, then you need to check with your service provider if your MMS service is activated.

MMS messages are sent directly from messages. Just click on the camera icon, take or select the required photo from the existing pictures on your phone. At the same time, the problem of sending MMS to the iPhone, if all parameters are correctly configured, can be explained by the heavy weight of the photo or the inappropriate image format. To do this, you need to open the picture in full screen and take a screenshot of it, then the photo will appear in the album and will be fully available for sending.
