How To Make An Antenna

How To Make An Antenna
How To Make An Antenna

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Most often, drivers use a universal whip antenna, which reproduces sound waves in the car with a frequency of more than 50 Hz. The main radio stations in Russia broadcast at this frequency, which is why the antenna is in great demand among drivers. Recently, quite often on various car models, you can see a universal receiver with a standard type of whip antennas. But it is quite expensive and is not sold everywhere. So some of the craftsmen come up with their own types of whip antennas, and make them themselves.


metal pins or steel cords


Step 1

The whip antenna itself should consist of straight metal rods or flexible steel cords with a small copper coil at the top end. At the other end, it should be attached to the outer body of the car. The total length of the entire antenna most often does not exceed 1 meter, since it can simply be torn off the body while driving.

Step 2

In addition, the antenna must comply with all the rules of sound receivers and be connected in the cockpit with the radio of the audio system. When manufacturing, you need to take a metal rod and weld a small piece of metal to it, which will then be attached to the car body.

Step 3

Then you need to install a small cap on the upper end of the whip antenna, which will be the main receiver of the signal from the radio stations. We bring a set of wires from the carburetor to it through the interior trim and fix it at the very end. After that, you need to turn on the speakers and check if your antenna is picking up the frequency. If there is no sound, then it is necessary to check the wire connections again and make sure that they are completely isolated.

Step 4

In the manufacture of a conventional whip antenna, you will spend a minimum of money and time, and you will receive a universal receiver for listening to radio stations. Of course, such a receiver will not catch foreign waves, but the sound quality of domestic radio stations will be at a high level.
