How To Play Pokemon Go In Russia

How To Play Pokemon Go In Russia
How To Play Pokemon Go In Russia

More and more people of all ages are interested in how to play Pokemon Go in Russia. This mobile game with the ability to catch Pokémon literally took over the world and became a hit of downloads on mobile devices.

How to install Pokemon Go in Russia

The release of "Pokemon Go" took place in early July 2016, but only in a small number of countries, but the most impatient have already started playing Pokemon Go in Russia. At first glance, this seems impossible, since the official release date of the game in the country is late July-early August, and therefore it is not yet possible to download the game in the AppStore and Play Market. However, the craftsmen have already figured out how to get around this limitation. First of all, you need to sign out of your current iTunes and App Store account on iOS or Google on Android.

Create a new account on your mobile device to be able to install Pokemon Go in Russia. In this case, as your country, you need to specify any of those where the release of "Pokemon Go" has already officially taken place, for example, Australia or the USA (note that this will change the language and other parameters on the mobile device). After that, you can download Pokemon Go from the AppStore and Play Market. But at the same time, the game itself will be completely in English, and some game functions may not be available to residents of Russia, so it is advisable to wait until the official release of the game in the country.

How to play Pokemon Go in Russia

To successfully play Pokemon Go in Russia, you need to have a constant and stable smartphone connection to the Internet, as well as an active GPS function. Moreover, if you installed the game through a foreign account, be prepared for the fact that the game servers may work with breaks. When you first start the game, you will already receive your first Pokémon of several to choose from (Charmander, Bulbasaur or Squirtle).

To find Pokémon in Pokémon Go, you just need to start the game and look at the world around you through the smartphone's camera screen. You can just walk around the area and from time to time bump into various Pokémon, or you can use a special tracker that shows how close you are to a particular monster. To find rare Pokémon, you can explore places such as parks, plazas, and embankments.

In addition to finding Pokemon, Pokemon Go allows you to gain experience and develop your pocket monsters, team up with other players and fight against opponents in special arenas. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the Russian government has already made a request not to violate the laws when catching Pokemon. For example, it is salary to do this in churches and cemeteries, military installations, borders, etc.
