How To Send SMS To Ukraine

How To Send SMS To Ukraine
How To Send SMS To Ukraine

Table of contents:


To send an SMS from Russia or another country to a Ukrainian subscriber, you need to use the international format of his number. The price of the service, when in the home network, is usually not affected by the belonging of the SMS recipient to another state.


  • - mobile phone;
  • - balance sufficient to pay for the service.


Step 1

Depending on your phone model, first enter the recipient's SMS number (or select it in your notebook) or the text of the message. However, for most modern mobile phones, with the possible exception of the most budgetary ones, this sequence of actions is not fundamental: you can start with both.

Step 2

Enter the number of the recipient of the SMS in international format: the appropriate prefix, then the country code.

In Russia, the prefix for the international format is a combination of numbers 8-10, in non-CIS countries usually 00. The universal option is to simply enter the "+" symbol from the keyboard.

Then enter the code of Ukraine - 38.

Step 3

For the further sequence of actions, the countries of the recipient and the sender do not matter. You enter from the keyboard a three-digit code of the Ukrainian operator and a seven-digit subscriber number.

After completing everything you need, give the command to send SMS.
