How To Warm Up The Battery

How To Warm Up The Battery
How To Warm Up The Battery

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In winter, motorists are faced with the problem of starting the engine in the morning. Starting is hampered by the battery frozen overnight, so before getting behind the wheel it is necessary to warm it up. There are several methods for this.


Step 1

Establish that the cause of the difficult start is precisely the freezing of the battery. As a result of cooling, the electrolyte loses its density, the battery capacity decreases, and an insufficient supply of electricity to the starter is carried out, which prevents the engine from starting. As a result, the discharged battery must be connected to the mains and recharged, which is quite problematic and time-consuming. However, if frost is the cause of these problems, you can achieve the goal by warming up the battery.

Step 2

Turn on the low beam of the car headlights. After a few minutes, turn it off and wait another 2-3 minutes. As a result, the electrolyte in the battery will warm up slightly, which will make it easier to start the engine with the starter. If this method does not help, then it is necessary to dismantle the battery and try to warm it up in other ways.

Step 3

Remove the battery from the car and immerse it in a container of hot water. Please note that the battery cover must be above water at all times, otherwise you will damage the device and add yourself an extra headache. You can also hold the device under the hot tap.

Step 4

Run warm air currents from heaters on the battery. You can use an electric hair dryer, air heater, heating fan, and other devices. Do not overdo it as overheating can adversely affect the battery.

Step 5

Make sure the battery case is warm enough to freeze. Install it back into the vehicle and try to restart the engine. If the problem was just freezing, then you will be pleasantly surprised, since the starter will crank the engine as if the weather was hot outside.
