How To Find A Person By Home Phone

How To Find A Person By Home Phone
How To Find A Person By Home Phone

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You've lost touch with an old acquaintance, and the only thing you have is his home phone number. Dont be upset. You may well find a lost person by this parameter.


Step 1

There are many ways to find a person by their home phone number. Among them there are both completely legal and rather dubious from the point of view of the law. Which one to use is your choice. Do not forget that some methods - theft of information, bribery of officials - can lead to administrative and even criminal liability.

Step 2

If you have sufficient funds, entrust the search for an old acquaintance to specialists. Hire a private investigator. The home phone number is also information, and specialists may well find a person using this data. Of course, if they are really specialists. Therefore, be very careful when entrusting the search to a detective agency. Finding feedback on the work of such agencies is not difficult.

Step 3

If you are confident in your own abilities, search for yourself. You can find a person using some search sites on the Internet. Among them there are both free and paid resources. The disadvantage of this method is that search sites, as a rule, contain information about the addresses and phone numbers of residents of only large cities.

Step 4

Use the telephone directory of the city where your lost friend is located, or call the information service at a single number 099. The directory can be bought in the Rospechat network or in a bookstore. There is also an electronic version of the telephone directory, but not for all Russian cities.

Step 5

Knowing your home phone number, you can find out the street and house number where the owner of the room lives. With this information, you can interview your neighbors and find out the exact address of the person.

Step 6

Call the phone number you have. If the answer is from the one you are looking for, or his relatives, the search is over. Maybe people who have information about your friend will answer. These can be, for example, the new owners of the apartment. Often people leave information about themselves just for such cases. It is possible that you will be given a new phone number or the exact address of your lost friend.
