How To Transfer Sound From Computer To TV

How To Transfer Sound From Computer To TV
How To Transfer Sound From Computer To TV

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Sometimes, when watching movies on TV, the sound from the computer speakers may not be enough. This can be fixed by allowing the TV to output sound in addition to the image, using the full power of its speakers.

It is necessary

Soldering iron, one or two RCA connectors (cinch), one 3.5 mm TRS connector (mini-jack), two-core shielded cable, knife


Step 1

Most modern TVs, in addition to HDMI, S-Video and SCART, have RCA connectors, which are called "tulips" in common people. It is through them that we will transmit sound from the TV. If the TV supports stereo sound, then you will need two such connectors (red and white connectors on the TV), if mono, then only one (white connector).

Step 2

On a computer, the audio output can be located both on the motherboard and on a separate sound card, if it is installed. This nest is usually light green in color. If the sound from the motherboard is routed to the front panel of the case, then this socket is located in the front, otherwise - in the back. It connects to the TRS 3.5 mm jack, which is usually called "mini-jack".

Step 3

Take a cable of the required length and use a knife to strip it from both sides. Be careful not to damage the wire when you cut the insulation. Gather the screen braid on one side and twist it into a pigtail. In order for the soldering process to go better, the wires must first be irradiated. Disassemble the mini-jack and solder the shield to the large petal and the two wires to the two small petals. Now put the connector back together.

Step 4

It's time to tackle the other end of the cable. If you need a mono signal, then solder the shield to the outside of the tulip and both signal wires to the center pin. Before soldering the connector to the wire, do not forget to put the screw part of the connector on it. If you have stereo sound, then the screen must be divided into two parts and each part must be soldered to the outer contact of the tulips. One signal wire is soldered to the center contacts of both tulips. Assemble the connectors and connect the cable to the corresponding connectors on the TV and computer. The sound from the computer will now be transmitted through the TV speakers.
