How To Identify A Cell Phone Wiretapping

How To Identify A Cell Phone Wiretapping
How To Identify A Cell Phone Wiretapping

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Any owner of a mobile phone can become a victim of wiretapping. Sadly, but getting access to listening to a cell phone is not so difficult. It is illegal to monitor other people's conversations, so you need to know how to determine the fact of tampering with the telephone line.

It is necessary

  • - telephone;
  • - special equipment


Step 1

Pay attention to the temperature of the battery. It should be noted that the phone being tapped has a warm and even hot battery even when the device is not in use. During a call, the battery may heat up, but if this happens too quickly, then a spyware program for wiretapping may be installed on the mobile phone.

Step 2

Be aware of unusual behavior of the device, which will help to avoid illegal eavesdropping on your conversations. If the phone is turned off for a very long time, then this may indicate that your mobile is actively being tapped. The shutdown process may be accompanied by flashing of the screen and backlight. In some cases, the phone cannot be turned off at all. Of course, this may indicate its malfunction.

Step 3

Monitor the condition of the battery. In the event that the phone has a dangerous application for listening to conversations, it will discharge much faster. But you need to pay attention to this only if the device has been working on a single charge for several days in a row for a month, and now the battery has started to discharge within one day. Indeed, over time, the battery tends to wear out. By the way, the rapid discharge of the battery may depend on the fact that the mobile phone is recording conversations in the room in which it lies.

Step 4

Listen for the noises that arise when talking on your mobile device. When listening to the phone during a call, you may hear incomprehensible noises. Clicks, echoes, and an incomprehensible rumble may indicate that someone is listening to you. In the event that you are not talking on the phone, but you hear a pulsating noise, then this should especially alert you. Also, interference on electronic devices that a mobile gadget creates while you are not using it can mean wiretapping.
