How To Reshoot Slides

How To Reshoot Slides
How To Reshoot Slides

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Many have old photographic films at home. The opinion is fundamentally wrong that in order to photograph them in electronic form, it is necessary either to print photos on paper and scan, or to purchase an expensive slide scanner. A projector, magnifier and digital camera are enough.


Step 1

Buy any enlarger and any projector for slides and filmstrips. Various online auctions are good places to look for such devices. Make sure that the device is in full serviceability before purchasing it, if you do not know how to troubleshoot them yourself. In the second case, strictly observe safety measures. Remember that these appliances are designed to be switched off periodically for cooling purposes.

Step 2

Please note that films shot with standard 35 mm cameras have frames located parallel to the perforation, while on filmstrips and transparencies they are perpendicular to it, while they are somewhat smaller. Therefore, the former can only be projected with a magnifier, and the latter only with a projector.

Step 3

Set up your digital camera on a good tripod. To prevent blurring, use the timer function when shooting. After starting the timer, take your hands away from the unit so as not to shake it, and wait while the picture is taken. Do not use a phone for shooting, even with good optics, if only because it does not have a tripod socket.

Step 4

Most tripods do not allow you to point the camera up. Therefore, if you are using a magnifier, place it horizontally. Attach a sheet of white paper to his table to act as a screen.

Step 5

When using the projector, adjust it so that the image has a diagonal of about half a meter.

Step 6

Darken the room completely when shooting.

Step 7

If you've photographed negatives, turn them into positives. Not every graphic editor is capable of this. Mtpaint is a good free and easy-to-use editor.

Step 8

On the camera, turn on the close-up mode. Position it so that the image fills the entire frame. Make sure the image is in good focus.

Step 9

Do not post filmstrips and transparencies shot in the studio on the Internet without the permission of the copyright holders, and frames from your own photo archive - without the permission of the persons depicted on them.