How To Connect A TV To A Satellite

How To Connect A TV To A Satellite
How To Connect A TV To A Satellite

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The digital quality of satellite television is very different from traditional terrestrial television. In addition, the subscriber has the opportunity to simultaneously receive high-speed Internet packages with TV programs. All this can be done anywhere where there is a satellite coverage area. However, this is not all - in places where not only wired, but also wireless communication is inaccessible, the installation of a two-way antenna (receive-return) allows you to easily communicate with the whole world.

It is necessary

satellite receiver


Step 1

Select the TV provider whose signals you intend to receive. It must broadcast from a satellite that is available for reception in your area. This can be determined on the official website of the company or on the portals at or Determine the diameter of the receiving mirror of the satellite dish and the range of the converter - Ku (linear or circular) and C-band. This data can also be determined on these sites.

Step 2

Connect the coaxial cable to the converter plug, make sure that the "shield" does not have contact with the central core. Put a special F-connector at its end. Unplug the satellite receiver from the outlet. Connect the other end of the cable to its LBN in socket, and the antenna socket to the antenna plug of the TV. In addition, the tuner can be connected to a TV receiver using a "tulip", HDMI output and S-video connector.

Step 3

Turn on the receiver and tune the UHF channel on the TV, where satellite TV will be broadcast in the future. Switching programs on it will be possible only from the tuner remote control or buttons on the front panel. The receiver's splash screen appears on the TV screen.

Step 4

Press the "Menu" button on the remote control or panel. Select the tab "Antenna", "Configure Devices", "Satellites" or similar. Define the name of the satellite being tuned using the buttons to the right or to the left, if it is not there, then enter its name on the "Edit" tab. Choose it. At the bottom of the settings window there will be: 0% - signal strength, 0% - quality.

Step 5

Determine the direction to the satellite. To do this, go to the website In the search bar, enter the name of your city or its geographic coordinates. On the map that appears, select your exact location and click on it. Below the search bar, in the drop-down tab, select the satellite to be configured. Click on it. A green vector will appear on the map to indicate the direction to the satellite from your location. In addition, at the bottom of the map will be given: Elevation (elevation or tilt angle of the antenna, in degrees), Azimuth (azimuth, in degrees), LNB Skew (turn of the converter: "-" counterclockwise, "+" clockwise, in degrees).

Step 6

Take a compass and turn the satellite dish in that direction. Set approximately the angle of its inclination. Start scanning the horizon by moving it to the left and then to the right. After each pass, raise or lower the antenna one degree. The appearance of the signal will be noticeable on changes in power levels and quality in the setup window on the TV. Reach the maximum value and fix the antenna. Scan the satellite with the receiver and save the TV channels.
