How To Call A Mobile Phone To Ukraine

How To Call A Mobile Phone To Ukraine
How To Call A Mobile Phone To Ukraine

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The relationship with relatives and friends living abroad helps to maintain a cellular connection. That is why the question often arises of how to call a mobile to Ukraine. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the codes for international communication of Ukrainian mobile operators and the dialing procedure.


Step 1

Ask your service company how to call a mobile to Ukraine. You cannot do this without the correct mobile operator code for another country. the necessary information can be obtained by contacting one of the salons of cellular communication or by calling the information desk. Each Ukrainian operator has its own code: Golden Telecom - 039, Life - 063, Beeline - 068, 095, PEOPLEnet - 092, Intertelecom - 094. To call Kyivstar, dial 067 or 096, for Djuice - 097. Calling MTS carried out with codes 050, 066 or 095.

Step 2

Dial the required number in the international format to call a mobile to Ukraine. The first characters will be "+38", meaning the international code of Ukraine. They are followed by the code of the mobile operator, for example, 067 and the subscriber number itself.

Step 3

You can call a mobile to Ukraine from a landline phone only if you also know the city code to which you need to make a call. After dialing the long-distance access code and waiting for a dial tone, enter the code for international communication - "8", then the area code, operator code and phone number.

Step 4

Be careful when dialing the operator code before calling a mobile in Ukraine. Having made a mistake and typing, for example, the code 070, 090 or 0900, you can fall for the trick of scammers or call a company that provides consulting services, television and other services, the numbers of which are very easy to confuse. In all cases, you can lose a fairly large amount of funds from your account.
