How To Set Up A Blacklist On Nokia

How To Set Up A Blacklist On Nokia
How To Set Up A Blacklist On Nokia

Table of contents:


The Black List service is available for subscribers of certain cellular operators. It is also present in some models of phones from some manufacturers. In Nokia phones, this function is carried out by installing additional software.


  • - access to the phone;
  • - Internet access.


Step 1

To add a subscriber to the blacklist on mobile devices, read the menu of your phone and check for the function of creating a blacklist or setting restrictions on incoming calls and SMS messages. This is done using the corresponding menu in the phone book.

Step 2

Unfortunately, this feature is not available for Nokia devices, so you will need to use third-party software suitable for your mobile device platform to restrict the reception of calls and messages. In this case, it is necessary that the subscriber was entered in the list of your phone book, otherwise he may not be recognized when calling.

Step 3

Contact the customer department of your mobile operator for background information regarding the creation of a list of restrictions; to apply, you will need a passport or any other document confirming your identity as the owner of a SIM card. You can also call your operator's technical support service to find out the request code for activating the Black List service.

Step 4

Please note that the service of creating a blacklist for calls and SMS messages may not be available for subscribers of some operators or specific tariff plans, for more information, check with the subscriber department or on the operator's tariff plan page.

Step 5

You can also get help information on the official website of your operator. In the section for managing your personal account, you can also activate the "Black List" service, if it is in the list of services available to you. When creating a user account, you may need access to your mobile phone to receive login and password data to enter the system as an incoming SMS message.
