What Is PlayBook

What Is PlayBook
What Is PlayBook

The Apple iPad has another rival on the market. This is a PlayBook from Research In Motion, a Canadian company known for its smartphones. According to the developers, the PlayBook will compete with the existing tablets.

Research In Motion is known worldwide for its BlackBerry business smartphones. The brand new tablet is not inferior in quality to the company's main products. The PlayBook runs on its own operating system, the BlackBerry Tablet OS, which features a completely new interface, but is nevertheless very user-friendly.

Apple lovers would hardly call the PlayBook stylish. This rather thick tablet, made of rubberized material, has a conservative and strictly "unglamorous" look. However, for some, such external data of the device may turn out to be a plus - "PlayBook" looks solid and reliable and, in comparison with other ultra-thin tablets, very original.

Another positive aspect of the PlayBook is the ability to charge it from the USB port. Using Micro-USB, the tablet can be synchronized with a computer, and Micro HDMI allows you to display a picture or presentation in PowerPoint on a large screen, which is extremely convenient for businessmen, who, according to the company, are the main users of the BlackBerry tablet.

But the disadvantage may be the lack of some necessary programs. The developers do not provide a mail client, calendar and contact book in PlayBook. The company is positioning PlayBook as a companion for the BlackBerry smartphone. By connecting both devices, you will be able to work with personal contacts on the tablet. If you do not have a communicator, the absence of these applications will be inconvenient.

The main disadvantage for fans of BlackBerry products from Russia will be the lack of a Cyrillic layout in the on-screen keyboard. Since the company is not represented on the Russian market, this significant gap is unlikely to be closed in the foreseeable future.