How To Find Out The Country Of Origin On Your Phone

How To Find Out The Country Of Origin On Your Phone
How To Find Out The Country Of Origin On Your Phone

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When buying a cell phone, not everyone thinks about the country of its manufacture. It is clear that most of the phones sold in Russia are made in China. But China is not the same as China. Large concerns for the production of household appliances and electronics are transferring their production to the territory of the Middle Kingdom because of the cheap labor. But manufacturers do it legally, they build factories. And the quality of assembly is often monitored there stricter than usual, so as not to drop the reputation of the enterprise.


Step 1

However, the Chinese are smart people. And along with high-quality, "branded" cell phones, the country was flooded with fakes, made so skillfully that they can only be distinguished by their serial number or IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity). This is a 15-digit number that is the international identifier for mobile equipment, this code is unique for each cell phone.

The first eight digits of the IMEI describe the phone model and country of origin. Moreover, the first 6 digits are the phone model code TAC (Type Approval Code). Then 2 digits follow - the country code of the manufacturer FAC (Final Assembly Code). The next 6 digits represent the SNR (Serial Number) of the telephone. The remaining digit is a spare SP (Spare) identifier, it is calculated based on the previous digits, using a special algorithm.

So, the country of manufacture of the phone is described by the 7th and 8th digits of the IMEI. For example, 67 - USA, 19 / 40 - Great Britain, 80 - China.

Step 2

You can also determine the country of manufacture of the phone by the barcode of the phone, by the first two digits.

And, of course, the country of origin is indicated on the packaging of the phone and in the accompanying instructions and documents. Both the barcode and the IMEI of the phone are written there. However, be careful, sometimes it doesn't match the original IMEI. In this case, in front of you is a fake.

Step 3

It is very easy to find out the IMEI of the phone. Dial * # 06 # on the keyboard, and your phone's IMEI will be displayed on the screen. If the phone has two SIM cards, then there will be two IMEIs on the display.

Step 4

Also, the IMEI of the phone can be found, and most importantly, compared with the on-screen version, under the phone's battery. Remove the back cover and the battery, there is a sticker on the phone body that says the IMEI of the phone, as well as the certification body for this product in Russia, the PCT.

Step 5

The IMEI of the phone has one more function. If your phone is stolen or lost, your mobile operator can lock your phone at your request. Blocking is done exactly according to the IMEI data.
