How To Increase The Charging Current

How To Increase The Charging Current
How To Increase The Charging Current

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It takes quite a long time to charge a car battery from a DC source using a charger. If you modify the charger circuit, you can increase the charging current, after which the battery will charge faster.


Step 1

Make a storage inductor L1, select a switch transistor and an output diode. Use an armored core and rod cores with side cheeks as a magnetic circuit. Wrap the winding with a PEV-2 wire (1.5 mm) or two PEV-2 wires (1.0 mm) so as to fill the windows of the magnetic circuit.

Step 2

Take a powerful power N-channel transistor IRFP264 for the key transistor. An additional node is needed to it, which will ensure an excess of the gate voltage of 15 V (relative to the source, which is connected to the storage choke). P-channel power field-effect transistors are easier to connect to the circuit, however, the available modifications are very few, and they are difficult to find on sale.

Step 3

Alternatively, use an n-p-n BUX 20 power transistor as a key power transistor. It is specially designed for this purpose and provides a switching current of up to 50A. However, it has a disadvantage - a low gain.

Step 4

Install transistors, output diodes and diode bridge on a common radiator with an area of at least 200-300 cm2 through mica gaskets. You can simply attach them to the metal bottom of the appliance.

Step 5

Customize the schema. To increase efficiency with the charger configured, connect the load and set the maximum operating current. Connect the ammeter to the open circuit of the emitter of the key transistor, then change the generation frequency of the DA2 microcircuit until the minimum current is obtained, selecting the resistor R9 and the capacitor C6.
