How To Easily Fix Headphones With A Wire

How To Easily Fix Headphones With A Wire
How To Easily Fix Headphones With A Wire

Headphones have become a constant companion for music lovers and people who want to be alone with themselves in a noisy crowd. Due to constant use and daily wear, this device deteriorates quite quickly. In the meantime, constantly buying headphones is clear. If you can figure out on your own how easy it is to fix the headphones, then the failure of this device will not be such an unpleasant event. Indeed, for repairs, only knowledge of the basics of electrical engineering and manual dexterity are required.

The most common defect in wired headphones is a broken connection cable. Inexpensive models use low-quality wires that break even from slight stretching. This problem is easy to spot. When you shake the wire in the speakers, the sound will periodically disappear and an unpleasant rustling will occur. It is very easy to repair a broken cable. It is necessary to turn on the playback of music and, shaking the wire from side to side, identify the break point. With mechanical action on this point, the greatest interference and extraneous sounds will appear.

If the gap is insignificant, then for a while it will help simply to isolate the breaking point. Sometimes such elementary measures can significantly extend the life of the headphones. If the wire is severely damaged, then you need to cut off the damaged section and reconnect the wires. Most often, each wire is colored in the appropriate color. The difficulty here arises in the fact that the wiring inside the cable is very thin, and instead of insulation, a dielectric varnish is used. In this case, you need to carefully peel off this varnish and twist the clean wires together. In addition, break-proof wires are sometimes found. These wires are practically non-twisting and can only be connected with a soldering iron.

The next common ailment of any headphone is damage to the plug or section of the wire directly connected to this plug. Such damage can be eliminated by insulating this area immediately after purchasing the headphones. If the headphones still break, then you will need to replace the plug with a working one or re-solder the existing one. There are only three wires in the wiring of the mini-jack plug, and one of them is common. It is enough to carefully remove the factory insulation, solder the new wires in the same way as the existing wiring and insulate the working area.

In addition, the headphones can get wet. If this happens, a characteristic hum and rustle will be heard in the speakers. For repair, it is enough to carefully open the case of each earphone and dry them at room temperature. Most often this is enough, but if it gets very wet, such measures will no longer help.

Sometimes the sound disappears due to the accumulation of dirt or oxide film on the surface of the plug. They prevent the passage of current and the sound disappears. In this case, you need to carefully clean the surface of the plug from dirt and oxide. Moreover, you need to understand that pollution can be imperceptible.
