How To Remove SMS Ransomware

How To Remove SMS Ransomware
How To Remove SMS Ransomware

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Recently, a virus that blocks the user's computer and requires sending an SMS from a mobile phone to a short number in order to unblock it has become widespread. Of course, you don't need to send any SMS anywhere, and in most cases it is useless. You can get rid of the virus yourself.


Step 1

On the websites of almost all antivirus programs, you can find virus unlock codes. You can identify exactly your subspecies from the screenshots. Remember that even if you unlock your computer with a code, it will not remove the virus itself, and it will lock the computer again after a while. So immediately treat your computer with an antivirus.

Step 2

You can try to remove the virus by booting in Safe Mode. Many of its modifications do not work in it. Just look at what's new at startup and delete it, or run the antivirus.

Step 3

If the virus still crawls out in safe mode, then you can use a little trick: load safe mode with command line support, then start explorer from it.
