How To Determine The Location Of A Beeline Subscriber

How To Determine The Location Of A Beeline Subscriber
How To Determine The Location Of A Beeline Subscriber

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If you need to find the location of a Beeline subscriber, then you can do it thanks to a special service. To search, you will only need the phone number of the person you are looking for. Please note that this service is also available to customers of other companies (MTS and MegaFon).


Step 1

Before using the service, connect it. For this, the telecom operator "Beeline" provides a free number 06849924. After activating the service, you can send requests to search for other subscribers. The request itself is sent as follows: dial an SMS message with the letter L and send it to short number 684. The cost of using the service is two rubles and five kopecks.

Step 2

If you find yourself in the coverage area of the MegaFon network, then use one of the two proposed subscriber search services. The first of them is designed exclusively for children and parents, and therefore is available only in some tariffs, namely: "Smeshariki" and "Ring-Ding". By the way, the list of such tariffs may change over time. So sometimes visit the official website of the company and get up-to-date information on the terms of service.

Step 3

Another method is universal; it is available to all MegaFon customers. To use the search, go to the service site or call 0888. Please note that when you receive the coordinates of the location through the site, you will be sent a map on which they will be indicated. In addition, a request to search for a person can be sent through the USSD number * 148 * (subscriber's number) #. Specify the number only through +7. Each time the service will cost the subscriber 5 rubles.

Step 4

In the MTS coverage area, you can also use the Locator service. To do this, you need to send a request to the number 6677. In the request text, indicate the number of the subscriber you are looking for and his name. However, the search will not be possible if the wanted person does not give his consent to do so. Only after confirming it will the operator send you the coordinates of his location. The cost of a sent message will be approximately 10 rubles.
