How To Use The Diaphragm

How To Use The Diaphragm
How To Use The Diaphragm

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Aperture in photography is a camera lens device that consists of metal blades and changes the diameter of the light circle. The aperture function is reduced to regulating the amount of light passing into the lens, which allows you to set the ratio of the brightness of the image of the photographed object to the brightness of the object itself, and also sets the depth of field of the photo.


Step 1

There is such a thing as aperture number. This number indicates the diameter of the hole and therefore the amount of light entering the camera lens. The aperture number is denoted by the Latin letter F. For an open aperture, indicators from F 1.1 are characteristic. to F 5.6, for medium - from F 5.6 to F 11, for closed - from F 11 to F 128. The lower the f-number, the wider the aperture, and the brighter the photo will be.

Step 2

Also, due to the diaphragm, the required depth of field of the background is established, the so-called depth of field. The maximum open aperture gives a very small depth of field (depth of field). Shallow depth of field visually highlights the subject against a blurred background. To obtain a large depth of field, the maximum closed aperture is used.

Step 3

When photographing, consider the ratio of the aperture number to the shutter speed. The shutter speed indicates the time during which the camera shutter is open to take a picture. That is, if the diaphragm doses light by quantity, the shutter speed is by time. Set the aperture number in accordance with the shutter speed, otherwise the photo will turn out to be too dark or too light and blurry. Every DSLR has shutter priority and aperture priority modes. In aperture priority mode, the camera analyzes the light level and adjusts the shutter speed to the already set aperture. In shutter priority mode, the opposite is true: the aperture is adjusted to the current shooting conditions.
