How To Create A Karaoke Disc

How To Create A Karaoke Disc
How To Create A Karaoke Disc

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If not every third, then every second loves to sing your favorite songs in karaoke. Today on sale there are many models of dvd-players with karaoke support, which allow you to perform almost any song of a famous artist. As a rule, a microphone and a CD / DVD are included with the device into which karaoke is integrated. Using the Internet, you can compose and record your own disc with your favorite karaoke songs.


KarMaker software


Step 1

On the Internet, you can find many tunes and specially created karaoke files with which you can compose your disc. As a rule, these are files with the kar or mid extension. The lyrics to the desired songs are saved separately and are integrated into the disc shell using special programs. Such a program is the product of the site - KarMaker.

Step 2

After starting the program, the main window will appear in front of you, in which you will create a karaoke disc. Click the top menu "File", then select "Open." In the dialog box that opens, select any midi file, then click the "Open" button.

Step 3

If the midi file you downloaded contains a melody, the piano stave and the number of instruments in this track will be displayed on the right side of the program window. To add text, you must switch to the verses mode of the program. Go to the Lyrics tab and click the Open button (floppy disk with an upward arrow). In the dialog box that opens, select the file with the lyrics for the song and click the "Open" button.

Step 4

The text of the song loaded into the program must be split the way it will be performed, i.e. by syllables. Use hyphens to break words into syllables or select any other separator from the Syllable Separator list. After dividing into syllables, the program will automatically select the location of the words relative to the song. If the program made mistakes, you can move the text of the song a few consonances forward.

Step 5

Now you can start recording a disc, having previously created several karaoke files. On the disc itself, in addition to the folder with the program and music files, you can add an autorun file, which will allow you not to take additional steps when loading the disc into the drive. The Autorun.inf file is used to automatically start the disc when inserted into the drive. To create it, just open any text editor, create a new document and enter the following lines:


open = Karaoke Player / KarPlayer.exe

Then click the top menu "File" and select "Save As". In the dialog box that opens, enter the file name (Autorun.inf) and click the "Save" button. After recording a disc, you can sing your favorite songs both on your computer and on your home dvd player.
